Oh My Rowling!

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HERE you will find a wonderland of less-then-three love, dreams, passions, constantly changeing blogs, and basically everything worth having.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

*Steals from the castle*

So Victoria (not toogn) has been bugging me for more posts.

So, 9 followers, here is a speacial treat from Yours Truley.
I am going to let you on a little secret.
I am in love.
Not, with David Tennant, although he is close to my heart, because if I married him my life would be in danger of being, erm, QUACKED! but with another.



Yeh, my Biffelly, Tilly, is all like, "URK! He is just like another guy. Joey is better."
No, Till-dawg. Your so wrong.

By the way, your all invited to the wedding.

Love, ME!
PS, watcha gunna about THAT Miss Carroll and Miss Toogn?


Toongen said...

Ell, I told you you could be a servant or peasant, but he's marrying US!

Xoxo.. Toongen..

Anonymous said...

YAY bugging u works! lol but tilly is kinda right! darren, joey and joe <3 them guys!

Unknown said...

Joe is MINE you can share Darren Ellz